

New wave of clean system

Safety and Health Policy

Safety and Health Policy

VES considers the safety and security of everyone we work with to be a top priority, and we have established and are continuously implementing the following safety and health policies to create a safe workplace.
We have established and continuously implemented the following safety and health policies.

Comply with local laws and other requirements
Comply with national laws and regulations and other requirements for safety and environmental health.
Make safety work a way of life
We induce active participation in safety activities through continuous education and training and normalize safe work.
Create a safe and comfortable work environment
We create a safe and comfortable work environment by complying with the basics and principles of safety.
Promote appropriate prevention and improvement activities
We shall do our best to ensure the safety of our employees by identifying all risk factors in advance and promoting appropriate prevention and improvement activities.
Minimize risks
We minimize risks by systematically and continuously promoting safety and health goal management activities.
Active Communication and Continuous Information Sharing
We shall develop the safety and health system through active communication and continuous information sharing among all employees.
